Chapter 36 - Heidi & Liv (Aesthetic Laundry)
Uncovering the plight of the creative who might not, just yet be so successful that they’re being interviewed on BBC News or have Fearne Cotten plugging their clothing!
We’re back with the guests! This week we are joined by Heidi and Liv from the independent clothing brand, Aesthetic Laundry. Heidi set up the company a few years ago with a focus on fit and colour! Now that things are exploding for her she’s taken on a bigger team, including best friend Liv.
Thanks for having us at Aesthetic Laundry HQ, where we talked about fast fashion, getting your message across and, of course, the mighty behemoth that is instagram.
What We’ve Been Listening To…
OUR NEW SINGLE: Deliah - Prelude (Brief Life & Death)
Daniel Paxton - You Were The Muse
Laurel Smith - Anaesthetic
Amy Crookes
Vicky’s Donuts
Meringue Girls
Emily The Enthusiast
Who The F*** Is Peter Guy Spotify Playlist: spotify:user:deliahonspotify:playlist:55ROl9nVl2rMyXoGyyihvL
Check out our new single. Check outPrelude (Brief Life & Death) -
Check out our latest video here -
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