Chapter 35 - Launch Debrief

Uncovering the plight of the creative who might not, just yet be so successful that they are redesigning the Blue Peter badge.
After we gave you the opportunity to the listen back to the live show from Liverpool, Shell and Alex sit down to debrief the events after a week away.

They dissect their own opinions on how things went, looking to the future and opening themselves up to the feedback from those of you who attended!

Once again, thank you so much for those of you who came down to check it out, even more to those who stuck around for the live podcast, and we hope you enjoyed the events.

The London live discussion will be out when the film itself is released, in the coming months.

What We’ve Been Listening To/Watching…

Chromatics - Camera

Deliah - Prelude (Brief Life & Death) OUR NEW SINGLE!

Follow the Spotify playlist here - spotify:playlist:55ROl9nVl2rMyXoGyyihvL

Follow us on, or just leave us a friendly review and rating on iTunes.

Michelle Harris